Well, its been a while since I posted last - Anzac Day I think? So I thought I'd pop another one up?
Today is 31st May and its well and truely WINTER here!
Its thundering overhead and they've issued a severe weather warning for Bunbury and Mandurah (about 100Kms south) as they expect high seas and high winds etc. It reminds me of the weather we had around Torbay before we left - They closed the sea front road for days in Torquay!!!
So, as its going to piddle down, we're going to watch DVDs, make cakes and stuff - Oh, we'll probably pop to Ikea - Yes, Ikea, as PP needs an airer to dry the washing and the girls like playing with the stuff there. They also do rather nice meat balls!
We also pushed the movers on when we're gonna get our piggin' furniture and the good news is that they can deliver next Weds!!! YIPPEE!
We're more than a little fed up with sitting on garden furniture now - It's been seventeen weeks!!!
Tomorrow is my birthday and its the big one too, but as work have decided not to pay me this week - LONG storey, but a mix up with submission timing by my boss, we'll be celebrating my day by doing...
Just wait till next week, when they DO pay me after all!!!
The thunder is still banging away, but its not raining yet and the sun has just popped out too (Weired weather at the moment) and we're gooing to collect Caity from her sleep over she had at Suzzie's b'day party last night, so better go before it pours.
See you all soon,