Monday, 30 June 2008

More from Mix 94,5

Well - we've been well and truely indoctrinated by the local radio here, via our neighbour again!

She announced on air last week that she couldn't remember our names, but felt that she had left it too long to ask again.
She didn't realise that we listen to her on the radio as it's one of the best shows on here, so I sent an email to the show (The Big Couch, on Mix 94.5) to introduce ourselves again.
The other guys on the show like to take the mick out of poor Nat, so they had to read out MY email, just to embarrass her on air - it worked!
She was so good about it (as she also whinged - (yes Aussies do most of that!!!)about the girls bouncing on the trampoline next to her fence) that she emailed us the audio clip - so here it is!
p.s - you won't SEE anything here - it's just an AUDIO clip!

Monday, 23 June 2008

Another Winter's Day...

June 23rd 2008, Winter truely here now - its been like this for TWO weeks now, so perhaps we'll have to buy a heater after all!!! lol


This ia just another day......with DAN! - No, not THE Dan (from Brixham, NO-ONE will EVER be like THE Dan!) This is another Dan from Perth!

Monday, 16 June 2008

Winter seems to be over???

We had that bad weather last week, but that seems to be about it... far.

Last week a clear blue skies, 21,22 or 23 degrees C and went on all week.

We had a bit of rain yesterday (Sunday) and a few showers today, but the rest of the week is set to be clear and blue again.

SO, I've been working in short sleeves etc, whilst my Aussie colleagues are wrapped up in shirts, jumpers, jackets and coats etc!!! Moaning that it's "SO COLD!!!"

And they call ME the whinging Pom! The wusses. lol

Looking forward to a swim later!

We've had some pretty good sunsets too?

HOORAY! Furniture

At last! Our long awaited furniture has arrived!!!

After a 'short' EIGHTEEN weeks waiting we took delivery of our beloved 'stuff'

The thing we missed the most???

Our COFFEE machine!

The girls wanted THEIR stuff too, of course!

We had a battle with the moving company this end as they had NO IDEA of customer service as I had to call them a dozen times to: -

Find out if the ship had arrived,

Find out when it was booked to go through customs,

Find out if it had gone through customs,

Find out when it was booked for quarantine,

Find out if it had gone through quarantine,

Find out what was needed to clear qaurantine,

Call to pay for delivery

Book delivery

Call to find out why they were late

Call again to find out why they STILL hadn't arrived
Call AGAIN to find out why they STILL hadn't arrived

Call to say they HAD arrived!

I think that's 12?

Not once, did they think of calling me and their excuse for being late???

The truck had broken down!!!

When the guys arrived, I asked what the trouble had been with their truck...

... They came clean and said there was no truck trouble, but they HAD been double booked, as they had a new computer system!!!!!

Typical - The computer must have said NO????

But all is well that ends well!

We have our stuff and are all unpacked, so we can finally sit on comfy chairs and sleep in beds instead of matresses.


Tuesday, 3 June 2008

living next door to... ... not Alice, but A STAR!!!

Hey - It's Tuesday 3rd June 08 and it's our Anniversary!!! (19 years today!) Hooray!

We're a bit better off too, as after my last post, I WAS paid and have now caught up with pay as far as converting from casual to contract goes, so feeling better today!

We've been listening to Mix FM, every morning on the radio and have been laughing a lot at the travel guy's (Captain Paul) jokes, that he reads out after every travel bulletin. The show is called 'The Bunch' and consists of three presenters, called 'Clairsey, Mat and Shane' or so I thought!
It's actually Clairsy, NAT and Shane! I thought that Clarsy was the woman and it was MAT, not NAT and they've been SO funny and good to listen to that I thought I'd check out their bit of the Mix 94.5 website... you do!
I opened their page and started to realise that I'd mixed up the names and then started to watch a video - link here: -

and realised that the NAT was OUR NEIGHBOUR!!!!!!!!!

We'd been listening to them all this time and didn't realise we were listening to our neighbour, so wait till I see her next time!! It must be the Pom in her that preventer her bragging about being such a star!!!

I'll let you know what she says...