As it's Australia-Day bank hol (Aussie,aussie,aussie!) we decided to take the tent to Bunbury. Although there's an L plate in the background Jase did know what he was doing with the axe!

After a lovely lunch at vat2 we had a paddle on the beach and a swim back at the campsite pool.

The highest point in Bunbury is the look out tower. The views are amazing. Even the lighthouse looked like it could fit in the palm of your hand.

The best view !!!

The next morning we went in search of Dolphins at the Dolphin Discovery Centre. As we waded into the sea we saw two Dolphins. You're not allowed to touch them but it's just peaceful watching them. These two were called Lumpy and her calf (Dimple-under the water!)

We were tempted to stay on the beach at Koombana bay Hilton but they were fully booked so we headed on to ack Beach to catch some surf!

"I see no ships!"

"But I DO see marshmallows!"
The ladies of the house relaxing!

Bunbury has some beautiful beaches and while we were there we saw the dolpins again. We only spent the weekend there but would certainly visit again.

Jcp is a great swimmer but couln't catch the dolphins!

We headed home along the scenic route and stopped for lunch at Silver Sands. Thankfully we found a bit of shade whilst Jase was the BBQ king once again.

Must try cathing those Dolphins with more effort (to get rid of me 'Man-Boobs!') Jcp :o)

Where ever you are in the world those pesky birds get everywhere, Brixham pigeons or Taunton townies!!