Saturday, 23 August 2008

Guides Promise

The girls are (as of last Thursday) OFFICIAL Guides of WA!

They took their candel-lit promise last Thursday at the Willeton Scout & Guide Hall, where they've been going for about 10 weeks now.

Here's Noonie, to explain what happened:-

First we went into horseshoe and then I went up with another girl from my patrol and we went to my guide leaders. They dressed us up with our badges which were: our reigon and Burrendah tapes, our Guides Australia badge, our reigon badge, our patrol badge (I'm Koala) and two pins, a pin with the trefoil and the guides Australia pin. Then we took a candle, our certificate, our "Look Wide" book and something we could keep a cup with our name and 1st Burrendah Guides on it.

Good - Now here's Nutly:-

Hi Guys,

I miss you lots and as you know Em and I have done our promise at Guides and I am now oficially a Girl Guide!!! Sending all my love to Nanna, Grandad, Mamma, Grandad, Aunty LoLo,

Uncle Dave, Pete, Uncle James, Aunty Bev, Jack, Niamh, Oliver, Kipper, Ticher, Boo boo, my best friend Jen jen and every one else!!!(Wow thats a lot of people to remember!!!)

Love you all lots and lots,

Nutty bear (Caitlin!!!)


Sorry about the pics order - This Stupid piggin Blogger has stopped me from moving the pics to where they make sense! - Someone's gonna get an ear-full!
Off to Serpentine River today - will take the camera, so you can see tomorrow?


  1. Well done girls(BE PREPARED)and do your good deed every day,you look very smart in your uniforms. We miss you too but look forward to seeing you every week on the web.Dont worry about THE STUPID PIGGIN BLOGGER(carful how you sat that),we can see the pictutes and work it out.m & d xxxx

  2. well done girls, thats fab!! i remember when i became a real girl guide! i was in the brownies but it was nothing compared to what you do now! good work to the both of u!! titcher x x


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