I'd love to actually say that!
Well - we've done it...
...We're the proud owners of 450square meters (don't ask me to convert that to feet!) of land!
We've been looking at various lots (plots to you and me) around the Canning Vale and Southern River areas for months now and finally fell in love with this little bit in a new housing area called Bletchley Park (which, surprisingly, was the home of the cipher machine in London that Winston Churchill used to create codes in the war!) You could win pub quizzes with knowledge like that!
This is a 'pre-build' photo, so I'll keep taking shots as it goes up (expected to take 10 to 12 months) Yeah - right. You know builders????
Thsi is the plan of where our Lot (734) is in the bigger scheme of things
And a bigger picture again...
Some of the surrounding areas are GORGEOUS. They've planned it all very well!
The lake, just across the road.
The stream by the side of the lot
Little bridges over the stream dotted along the length of it.
It was a bit overcast that day. It's much warmer now (11 Oct) and forcast to reach 32 C by Wedsnesday - Loverly!
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