We went to Scitech ahain today, with Pete, Sam and Lilly.
We'd been before, but I forgot to take the camera last time, so only managed to get a shot of the OUTside, if you remember?
Took it inside today and had some more fun.
The Planetarium (where NO photography is allowed) is STILL AMAZING, so its a shame we can't show you that here. You'll just have to come visit and we'll TAKE you there!
The first photo is of Noonie, using an air cannon to 'shoot' Caity and Lilly (No children were harmed during the making of this photo!)
The other two are of Cait and Lilly using the air pump message sender (as used in REAL factories and banks), You're supposed to sit on the blue bellow thingies to send the shuttle across to the other end, but Cait's little peach couldn't manage it, so she had to JUMP on it instead!
We remember similar air thing in some of the shops only above your heads to send your money to the cashier and wait for her to send you your change. mom & pops.