Monday, 30 March 2009

Our first "Off Road" trip in 'Phoebe' to Dawesville

Last Saturday, we decided to take the new Jallop out for a bit of a test run...
... about 40clicks south of Mandurah, to a place we saw on the map called 'Dawesville' - Just to see what it was like for you, Lor!
We threw the fridge in the back of 'Phoebe' the Prado - (called the 'Pepperado' by our friends, Linda and Murray!) and took the obligatory Burgers, Chook strips, sauce and 'sauce'!!! and then headed off south for half an hour or so to reach 'Tim's Thickett Road', which took us over some soft dunes to the beach. This is a pic of us waiting to get on the dune road as there was a large group of 'fourbys' letting their tyres down before they went on the beach. It was a school trip of all things!

We took a little walk up and over the first dune to see what was there. I found two gorgeous beach babes!
They even showed me which way the sea was!!!

PP took a look for herself, but could "see no ships"

Just this awfull scenery everywhere - SOMEONE'S gotta do it!
Even views like this!

We eventually reached the beach and had no probs at all switching from 2 to 4WD as Phoebs is bit more sophisticated than Old Jen Jen was!
We passed several others stuck in the soft sand, but Phoebs just made it look easy!

We stopped here for a spot of lunch

Had to fight off the madding crouds!

And had a burger or two.

PP even had a go on the beach. Like she thinks she's gonna get Phoebe when she passes her test!?!?!?

The fun never stopped all day - even on the way home, we had to endure views like this...
Which leads to Millionaire row!

We stopped at Mandurah on the way back, just for a drink or two and were amazed at the size of this Pelican???
He was more than 3 feet tall!

Just lovely in Mandurah! It's on the list to take you there!


  1. it looks a scream on ur day trips out!! i bet u have a whale of a time!! is that pelican real or r u pulling our legs??? its HUGE!! love titcher x x

  2. i also c caitlin has got rid of the BRIGHT bgreen cast!! all better now? titcher x


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