Monday, 2 March 2009

Wedge and Cervantes TWO

I has such a good time last time I went to Wedge, that we decided to go again, but all of us this time!
John & Annette had to show us the way, so it was a pleasure to spend a couple of days with them!
It was a good job they came, as the signs weren't that good?

See how 'Wedge' gets it's name?
Roos are there tooWELL worth the drive!
And FUN too!

The new tent was such a breeze to put up and a lot bigger than the last one.
Gorgeous - the sunset, not John!!!

Next day, went to Cervantes, but detoured to 'Thirsty Point' and the Aptly named, Hangover Bay???
Then we went onto the Pinnacles, which are formed by erosion. There are more than 40 acres of these things, in the middle of complete bush landJohn and Annette - Very Good friends
Only is Oz, would you see a sign like this? and the backdrop was pretty good too?
See ya next time, J,P,E n C xxxx

1 comment:

  1. hi jason penie girls the new house looks good


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